An auto repair shop requested that we do a comical spot where we crash a car into a garage door to exhibit their expertise in auto repairs. Since we didn’t have money for car or garage door repairs, I faked the garage door being damaged and pieced several shots together to make it appear like a car accident. The end shot is also composed of several fake elements including the sign which was made in a 3D program and the man who was shot separately.
Another comical spot for Fix Auto. This is the first spot that we didn’t have to fake damage to a car, but still got the point across that Fix Auto can fix issues with your auto body.
Another comical spot for Fix Auto. We shot this spot as an alternative for Fix Auto, but we wound up not airing it since it was shot with a lav mic clearly visible on the main actor’s shirt.
Another comical spot for Fix Auto, I had to fake the glass of a car door being pelted with rocks spewed by a lawn mower and their impact cracking the glass.