3D Diverging Diamond Interchange

This was my largest 3D environment project I have ever undertaken. It was a massive scale project and took me a couple months to complete as I was learning how to do it as I went. There is a new interchange that will be built in Oklahoma and the agency wanted a video that would explain to the public how exactly it works. Since we don’t have one in Oklahoma to go and shoot, the closest option would be one of the several DDI’s in Missouri, but I suggested we do it all in 3D so that we have total control.

The idea was accepted, but what an undertaking it was. We utilized the actual design plans for the project and even aerial mapped the location where it would be built so that we could more accurately represent what the final interchange would look like. It took a lot of work, but it was a massive learning experience. I know that I would approach this project entirely differently in the future as I learned so many do’s and don’t’s while I was working on this.

Ultimately, MPR was happy with the product and have even asked that I do a new video in the same format that features roundabouts. I consider this a win and now the new ideas that I have for the DDI environment, I can incorporate into the roundabout project.